Psalms 14:3 All have turned away, all have become corrupt; there is no one who does good not even one.
Your sins are become heavier and you seem comfortable with the adulterous life. The earth cries for your unbearable sins. What is so especial someone does miracle to you and you seem admire it to the point of losing your integrity? Is that my word are very confusing to understand? They are many lords who stand on my way and praise themselves for their tongue but don’t discern my thought. You have ears, but you don’t hear. You have eyes, but you don’t see. You have mind, but you do nothing. Instead of saying the truth you deter my word to make yourselves comfortable with your life. I am coming to rid of from that place you are and to put someone else. Wherever your power holds a position or dependency I will come to rid you off and make scramble out that place in shame due to rob poor people and needy. I know you seek advice from your father Satan and your power I will cut off it from you. Do as you wish to try to defend yourselves, but you will not know where wrath is coming from. My wind is heavier and nobody will stop it. You teach the weak the way of Satan and you embellish your faith with images of ungodly and affect every single one. You lie to them over and over and hold them hostage and praise yourselves and your father declaring the job is well done. I will tell you not yet, what you did was the start, but how are going to finish it? I see you are doom and you will carry your heavy load your own shoulders and follow the way of distraction. I don’t want to see anybody loses his life for Satan injustice. In Satan mind there is not resurrection and there is no life after dying. No, that is the destiny for everyone on earth. You deny or accept it is the reality. There will judgment to all people: Satan doesn’t have power on your soul, but on your body he does. Don’t loose your faith from things you see, but have good conscience to your God Yahweh, the God of gods. Your Salvation is to hold on the knowledge of one God the father and become Christ like. Nobody had ever seen me and I am always invisible to humans. Nobody can present my form with image because I have never been seen. I am your God who never sleeps and watches everybody from my throne in heaven. I despise images. All people are falling from getting my grace because they conform themselves to create gods for themselves in their mind conception. It is disgusting to my face and I don’t participle to any disgrace intentions. Oh? people of the world, children of Adam wow! to you, Satan has blind you mind and your eyes, but his time is numbered. Wow! To you Seer, wow to you psychic and wow! to you men of judgment You deter people from my laws, not become wise to seek me. You give ephemeral hope to make yourselves in control of their mind. Who are your master and your comforter? I will disrobe your understanding and I will put inside you a stiff heart as a chimpanzee. Your mind to discern thing of the world will be voided. .To be not to be I will establish my Kingdom over you and subdue you power of authority and discretion. I, Yahweh, my hand will not come to rest until I move everything according to my plan. Who will be my attendants? Who will stand with the glory of the Most High?. To be not to be, my suggestion is enough “
May Yahweh bless you and watch over you May Yahweh shine his face and be gracious to you. May Yahweh look at you in favor and bring peace to you,