New Jerusalem by the Grace of Yahweh

Message 2 :   received on 26 July 2015

“when you     “Seek my face,”
        my heart said to you,
            “O Yahweh, I will seek your face.
 Everyone has turned away.
    Together they have become rotten to the core.
        No one, not even one person, does good things.
 Day and night your hand laid heavily on me.
    My strength shriveled in the summer heat.
 You prefer evil to good.
    You prefer lying to speaking the truth. Selah
 You love every destructive accusation, you deceitful tongue!
Even inside the womb wicked people are strangers to God.
From their birth liars go astray                                                  
I will keep far away from devious minds.
    I will have nothing to do with evil.
Everyone has turned away.
    Together they have become rotten to the core.
        No one, not even one person, does good things.
But you, O Yahweh, are a Magen that surrounds me.
    You are my glory.
    You hold my head high.” 
Hear all peoples, our God Yahweh is not happy the way we are worshiping him. Remember the First commandment I gave you; ‘Listen, oh! Israel, the Lord our God is the only Lord. So love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.’ You cannot use a form of “trium” or “trinity” to worship assuming that God Father would be pleased. Instead that is IDOLATRY. Any imagery, as a cross you put before you or an image of Jesus assume God is going to stand with you in favor, no, but you are inviting others being unknown to you without your conscience knowing it. It is idolatry. Satan uses these imageries to lure and to astray you from the truth from they pleases to God.. Moses  explained the Israelites this:
     " You didn’t see Yahweh the day he spoke to you from the fire at Mount Horeb (Sinai). So be very careful that you don’t become corrupt and make your own carved idols. Don’t make statues that represent men or women, any animal on earth, any creature with wings that flies,  any creature that crawls on the ground, or any fish in the water. Don’t let yourselves be tempted to worship and serve what you see in the sky—the sun, the moon, the stars, or anything else. Yahweh your Elohim has given them to all people everywhere."
Fellow Christians, all things you make with your hands, any thing you see with your own eyes never revere or worship; it is idolatry and it is against with the will of God
PS 27.8/ PS 14.3/ PS 32.4 / PS 52.3-4/ PS 58.3/ PS 101.4/ PS 14.3 / PS 3.3/ DEUT 6.4-5/ DEUT 4:12-19
May Yahweh Bless you and watch over you
May Yahweh shine his face to you and be gracious to you.
May Yahweh look at you in favor and bring peace to you.


Numbers 6:

24 HASHEM bless you, and keep you.
25 HASHEM make his face to shine on you, and be gracious to you.
26 HASHEM lift up his face toward you, and give you peace

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