New Jerusalem by the Grace of Yahweh


Malachi 3:5 ...
I will come to judge you. I will be quick to testify against sorcerers, adulterers, lying witnesses, and those who cheat workers out of their wages and oppress widows and orphans. I will also testify against those who deprive foreigners of their rights. None of them fear me, says Yahweh

"My time never goes empty. I make the stick to measure and weight.  My reason behind the decision is absurd to you, only me who knows why. Who will be with me? The pinnacle of the worthless things will be crashed, and the unworthy peoples will fear me and begin to run. Oh! Children of Adam, you will wish you were unborn from your mama’s womb. The ruthless of the world conjugate to the misery and don't think that I am the reason behind it, but the sins you committed and the incredible heart of disbelief let you do everything that goes against yourselves. You may think I am responsible for your miseries because I am God. Just fix it you would say. If you would listen to my word I will do it quick but if you are resilient to my word to bear your own mischief. What are you going to do? I repeat again; You are own yourselves and you let it happens to yourselves by making god of improvisation without tittle. You put yourselves as god of gods and no more, anything is going to change your mind and you are going to live as am outcast. How would you say if God exists, why people are dying, wars are happening endlessly, peoples are starving, injustice rules and people's future is blink, no hope? How are you sure to say that God doesn't exist and to be angry with him? What make you so sure you see my hand behind it and his is getting involve in human’s ruthless life? All people who seeks power, are on the detriment of the weak people and the blinded are quick to ear without discernment and involve on causes they don't understand. When you follow blindly you will be hurt and don't accuse your God for your mistakes. As things are going now wars are the mistakes of the time past before even the crusader. There were time, mistakes have been created for centuries and you expect to fix in short time by force. The consequences start to emerge recently, but it is just the starts. I had warned you for centuries about the discrimination, ruthless action, injustice, stealing, manipulation, humiliation and frenzy when thing started. You created all when you put yourselves as gods and repeat them for any occasion you have. All this time you forget to use humility, cooperation and respect. These small things can  change someone temperance. You kill peoples, but you can cant exterminate them and you build a hatred heart. I am warning for my causes which are coming. I keep repeating myself because of my compassion. Things will be always intense when something happens. I am coming like a thief and I am not going to knock at your door for warning. I just say now and tomorrow will be difference day. Do you see what I meant by that? The whole world is corrupted and everyone who is living in it is doing evil. Why should I leave you alone as you desire? You go your way and I stay where I am. I know what is going to happen; nobody is going to exist a second if I take away my hand. Who is going to breathe when I take my air away and who is going to give you the essence of life? So put your belt tighter and guard yourselves with the invisible and visible incidents and run as you could. I will put fire under your feet to devour you and take away the necessity and contort you are enjoying for grant. I must say clearly, REPENT FROM YOUR SINS, SEEK YOUR GOD AND WORSHIP HIM ONLY. Your God is willing to take you to a spiritual journey and you will never regret it. It is essential. I will guide and protect you from all thing can harm you invisible and visible and from alienation. I will reconcile you to me as my children, however, if you keep insisting to run away from me as renegade in improvisation on your own desire and concept and as you are your own god. I will unleash you from my covenant and comforts and let you wander where you please and become a bait for beast. I am alone on my decision. I decide what is better for my purpose. Things are starting to get tough and I release my wind, with the sword of judging the world and everyone has to come to a conceit. I, Yahweh, the God of gods, who is there, like me? Who can beat me on my ground? I am not a God of a place, but a God for the whole world and all contains in it, Repent, I am coming soon. I am here and my patient wear out. I count now my time and is just.

May Yahweh bless you and watch over you
May Yahweh shine his face and be gracious to you.
May Yahweh look at you in favor and bring peace to you,


Numbers 6:

24 HASHEM bless you, and keep you.
25 HASHEM make his face to shine on you, and be gracious to you.
26 HASHEM lift up his face toward you, and give you peace

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